Why Tesla Bot Makes Zero Sense

These ingenious features were not born of automotive technology but of computer science, particularly Artificial Intelligence. That’s why I nodded strongly when I heard something called a “wheeled robot”. However, Musk added two sentences that confused the situation to me.

Useful robots don\’t look like humans

I was born in the early 1990\’s, and as I recall, robots have always been part of pop culture. It can be in cartoons, movies, or books, which appear as humanoid machines talking and moving like us. But under their human skin, they hide advanced features such as X-ray vision, sharp intelligence, powerful jet engines, and, of course, deadly weapons.
We grew to love this illustration so much that we could not see the simple but complex truth. Real robots are realistic, they don\’t look like humans. Why? We designed them to be useful, not to satisfy our curiosity.

When we made changing doors, for example, we did not build mechanical doors. Instead, we assembled small electric motors connected to a series of sensors. As soon as you get close enough, the doors open. In other words, the door itself is a robot. Similarly, you do not have a humanoid bot that roams the house cleaning your environment. She has an independent vacuum cleaner that cleans the dust all day long. The vacuum cleaner itself is a robot.
The same goes for big industrial robots. In the default meeting routes, you will see robotic arms and larger machines than humanoids sitting behind work stations using tools. If you decide to meet Amazon\’s Amazon or Google\’s Deepmind true form, you won\’t find yourself sitting with an attractive lady like Ava Ex Machina\’s Ava; you will be standing in front of countless lines of metal servers and a few computer screens.
Useful robots don\’t look like humans. Their status is based on the tasks they are designed to perform.

Can you buy a robot to carry your bags?
The main example Musk used to prove his Tesla Bot project was shopping. I would like my car to download the list of items I did not order in advance online. It is fast, safe, and allows for a lot of energy. Other than that, Walmart is already experimenting with self-driving self-driving cars.
Another feature highlighted by Musk is the lifting of heavy objects. It can kill 150 pounds (68 kg) and 4.5 kilograms (4.5 kilograms) of arms. Those are excellent numbers, but automatic vehicles can weigh ten times as much, moving them with ease and efficiency. But Elon Musk already knows this. What else could he have had in mind?
“Eliminate dangerous, repetitive, and tedious tasks,” he emphasizes. You can send a Tesla Bot to the earthquake ruins to search for survivors or to a hostile area to spy on them. You can make it handle toxic waste in nuclear facilities and explore vulnerable caves. But even in this type of work, there is a better anointed person. It’s a yellow robot called Spot and, not surprisingly, it doesn’t look like a human. It is very similar to a dog.

Spot is a quadruped robot designed by Boston Dynamics. It is equipped with AI that, among other things, allows it to avoid obstacles and quickly restore balance after slipping or falling. In addition, it can be remotely controlled and can be upgraded with custom equipment. For example, you could add a robot arm to move debris and radiation sensors to analyze contaminated areas.

\”We built the Spot for ease of use,\” said Michael Perry, VP of Boston Dynamics\’ business development VP.

Because in addition to Spot, the company is building a human-made robot. Its name is Atlas, and it is, indeed, very beautiful in the park.

Atlas differs from Tesla Bot in that it is a military product sponsored by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. It is specially designed for shipping and saving shipments in areas where it is difficult for people to work. Fine features such as parkour and dancing came into being only to help Boston Dynamics experiment with its computer power. The company does not intend to make Atlas carry purchases or move furniture throughout the room, except perhaps on military bases.
The Tesla Bot, on the other hand, is designed for public use with only the best features. Or so you might think.

Visible objectives behind the Tesla Bot
One obvious explanation is awareness.
Elon Musk has spent years warning about the dangers of Artificial Intelligence abuse. He even met with social media dignitaries, including American officials and President Barack Obama. These listen carefully but take small steps because, president or not, it is difficult to wrap your mind around the threat of smart algorithms. You don\’t believe me? Here is an example.

Beyond the limit, AI will be visible enough to make its own decisions, improve it, and duplicate it. In one of the logical scenarios, AI can determine that humans are inferior. As a result, it can make us locals, use it as immature materials to generate energy (hello Matrix), or wipe it off the surface of the planet because we are net negative. If this sounds impossible, consider how we now treat monkeys.

Chimps share 99% of our DNA. They are probably family. However, we use them in laboratory experiments, lock them in zoos to entertain our children, and indulge in their biology to turn them into biological components. We excuse our horrible conduct by openly stating that we are superior. We are people who know. We live a long time. We are also smart. It\’s even better. World class.

Now switch monkeys into people and people with AI. Computers have a perfect mind, perfect memory, good design, quick decisions, and almost endless life. If you look at the same values ​​that make us elevate monkeys, AI is superior to us. Let me ask you this. What could happen: AI swears by relying on the sub-type or does AI use us as we currently use monkeys?

Elon Musk\’s warnings fell to the ground, and he is now using a murderous tactic. For him, AI is an immoral person who will soon be out of the box – out of our control. When you think about regulations, it\’s already too late for that. The bureaucracy is still lagging behind social media for almost 20 years. Ask Zuckerberg. However, with super AI, twenty years could be enough time to colonize the earth and a few other planets. We can\’t wait.

Building AI-human relationships
How can a fully-fledged AI respond to people?
We do not know at all because the current AI as social media algorithms we do not only know about our online work. But popularity, follow-up, and search queries are not enough to examine the general population. About 40% of people still live offline. To make sense of it with people, the most powerful AI will need to monitor our behavior offline. \”Looking closely\” here means \”a lot of data\” – and living with people under the same roof happens to be a great way to gather such information.

In this regard, sending Tesla Bots to the homes of everyday people can achieve two purposes; discover AI to better understand people through data collection and see how AI will react to long-term exposure to humans. Tesla can check both boxes while taking the following risks.

After all, many prophecies are fulfilling themselves because someone is trying to prevent them from happening in the first place.

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